A beautiful 1941 Packard on display at the Terrill Antique Car Museum in De Leon, Texas.
I recently ran a contest on my Facebook page inviting people to identify the make and model of a vintage car for a chance to win a gift card. I showed just a portion of the car, but after the contest I posted a photo of the entire thing, a beautiful, red 1941 Packard. The vehicle is truly incredible, and some people were surprised to discover that it’s on display at the Terrill Antique Car Museum in De Leon, Texas, along with numerous other classic automobiles. Small town, world-class collection. Here are pictures of a few of the others. The museum is located at 500 N. Texas Street, and is open Tuesday through Saturday
10 a.m. to Noon and 1 p.m. – 4 p.m., and Sunday 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Please visit my Facebook page for more information on contests. https://www.facebook.com/lauraconnerkestner/

A 1915 REO Speedwagon – 3/4 ton, 4-cylinder, 25 horsepower, 127 inch wheel base – on display at the Terrill Antique Car Museum.

A 1929 Model A Ford Roadster with rumble seat. 4 cylinder, 40 HP motor, 3-speed transmission, 4 wheel mechanical brakes. Terrill Antique Car Museum.

A 1927 Pierce Arrow. Seven-passenger touring car. Made in Buffalo, New York. Terrill Antique Car Museum

1931 Studebaker. Series 54, Six Cylinder, Argentina Carnival Red, Regal Tourer. Terrill Antique Car Museum. De Leon, Texas.